As part of the spring programme of celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the death of Pino Pascali (1968-2018), the Foundation announces the conference Pascali. Around 1968. Memories and perspectives.

It has been 50 years since the death of Pino Pascali, who passed away at a young age of 33, in Rome, on 11 September, 1968. The Foundation that bears the name of the artist has been carrying out, in homage to him, celebrations in the form of exhibitions, conferences, talks, workshops and meetings throughout the year, in memory of the artist.

In this context, Pino Pascali Foundation organises a conference titled Pascali. Around 1968. Memories and perspectives, which is being held on 24 May (at 6pm) and on 25 May 2018 (from 10 to 19). Thus, it aims to summarise the research linked to the artist, but also to retrace his mark in such an important year for the Italian history and for the artist himself.

For Pascali, in fact, the year 1968 indicated the birth of some of his crucial works and his participation at the Biennale of Venice, where he gained recognition within the international art world. In the testimonies and considerations that will be carried out in Polignano, the personal and artistic story of Pascali will interlock with the more general history about a sensational period, that is still nowadays a symbol of socio- political protest and revolution, but that is also in the sights of arguments, second thoughts and debates.

The people who are taking part in the conference are Achille Bonito Oliva and Vittorio Rubiu Brandi – art critics, Anna D’Elia – art historian, Marco Giusti – TV writer who won Pino Pascali Award in 2003, Roberto Lacarbonara, art critic, Alessandra Mammì, journalist, Massimo Mininni, curator at the Galleria Nazionale d’arte Moderna e Contemporanea (Rome), Paola Pitagora – actress, Fabio Sargentini – L’Attico, Francesco Stocchi – curator, Marco Tonelli – art historian. The entire conference will be coordinated by Rosalba Branà – director of the Pino Pascali Foundation and by Pietro Marino – President of the Scientific Committee of the Pino Pascali Foundation.

Loredana Capone – Assessor for Tourism and Cultural Industry, Cultural Property Management and Enhancement, Apulia Region, Aldo Patruno – director of the Tourism, Culture Economy and Enhancement of the Territory department (Apulia Region), Giuseppe Teofilo – President of Pino Pascali Foundation, will greet the audience.

The organisation of the two-day conference will be carried out by the Foundation’s team: Antonio Frugis, Santa Nastro, Susanna Torres and Nicola Zito.

The conference will be held at the time of the temporary exhibition Dialogues 3.0. Pino Pascali and Claudio Cintoli – that is open until 30 September, 2018 – curated by Rosalba Branà. The exhibition displays Pino Pascali’s works, such as Cavalletto (Easle), Cesto (Basket), Arco di Ulisse (Ulysses’ arch) and Liane (Vines), all of them dated 1968. At the same time, there will be an ongoing innovative initiative entitled Aperto per restauro (Opened for restoration) directed by Cristina Collu, which in the form of a workshop will allow the public to watch the restoration procedures of some of Pino Pascali’s works of art – Dinosauro (Dinosaur), 1966 and Tela di Penelope (Penelope’s web), 1969 – both coming from the National Gallery of Modern Art (Rome). Dinosaur will be restored by Luciana Tozzi, while Penelope’s canvass will be restored by Rodolfo Corrias; both of them are restorers, curators and directors at the National Gallery of Modern Art (Rome).